











瑞得福國際學校2.22丨Principal's Letter To Parents校長致家長們的一封

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-26


Dear Families,


Welcome back! The return to school has offered new start for all. There is a sense of refreshment and readiness for the exciting learning in the remainder of the year ahead!


Important announcements and reminders this week include


* Offers! Congratulations to many students of our senior class who have received offers from top universities! This is the season of college application and admission, and our offices at RDFIS and in Futian are working diligently to assist your students. If you wish to meet with Dr. Hudson or an academic administrator regarding college preparation or other matters, please request a meeting through your homeroom teacher. We are happy to meet with you!


* Welcome back USAD Scholars! Congratulationson a job well done at USAD! We are proud of you for your good work in Chengdu! Team members are listed below:


Team 1

趙泓洋Vincent Zhao

程雅琳Nicole Cheng

吳泓延Henry Wu

齊泉智 Billy Qi

曲詩陶Christo Qu

李家峣Danny Li

徐曼琪Maggie Xu

Team 2

丘海榮Jack Qiu

譚宇宵Nicolas Tan

洪多樂Henry Hong

周文軒Sween Zhou

羅曉川Flank Luo

侯姝瑾Sukey Hou

郭昊昀Hank Guo

Team 3

陳泓希Iris Chen

陳泓佑Michelle Chen

馬羽翔Mike Ma

郝文暢Fiona Hao

錢子嫻Anica Qian

曾明Young Zeng

* SAT Registration Deadline. Attention 11th graders! The SAT will be offered on March 9. If you want to take this test, you should register online by February 27. You can also take the SAT on May 4 and June 1.

* SAT注冊報名截止日期。請11年級同學注意! SAT考試將在3月9日進行。如果你想?yún)⒓哟丝荚嚕銘?yīng)該在2月27日之前在線注冊報名。你也可以選擇在5月4日和6月1日參加SAT考試。


* ACT Registration Deadline. The next ACT is offered on Apr 12 and 13. You have about a month to register for the ACT,that is before March 22.

* ACT注冊報名截止日期。下一個ACT將于4月12日和13日提供。您有大約一個月的時間來注冊報名ACT,即3月22日之前。


* Hiring. We are hiring. If you have friends who are interested in working for RDF International School in any capacity,please encourage them to send their resume to Mrs. Ivy Yin (ivy.y@rdfis.com).

*招聘。我們正在招聘新教師。如果您有朋友對加入RDFIS感興趣,請鼓勵他們將簡歷發(fā)送給Ivy 尹女士(ivy.y@rdfis.com)。

* Sports Report. The Year of the Pig is in fullswing, and so are RDF Athletics. MS Volleyball are in the middle of their season and have one more matchup to secure a position in the league playoffs.They will play GOS at their campus Monday, Feb. 25 at 3:30 and then play BASIS at the same venue. With the New Lunar year comes new athletic opportunities. High schoolers can try out for Soccer, Track & Field, Badminton, andTennis. MS students can participate inTrack & Field and then have the opportunity for Basketball on March 18th.We hope all students will consider trying one of these sports and encourage their friends to do the same!

*運動戰(zhàn)報。 RDF代表隊的體育比賽正如火如荼進行中。初中排球隊正處于賽季中期,還有一場比賽便可以確保聯(lián)盟季后賽的位置。他們將于2月25日星期一下午3:30在校園內(nèi)對陣GOS,然后對陣來自BASIS的球隊。高中生可以參加足球,田徑,羽毛球和網(wǎng)球比賽。初中生可以參加田徑比賽,在3月18日有機會參加籃球比賽。我們希望所有學生都考慮嘗試其中一項運動,并鼓勵他們的朋友參加。

* Articles for Family Discussion. Some interesting articles that you may enjoy reading or discussing as a family include:


- Family Mission Statement. A family mission statement can help you clarify your family goals and work together to achieve them. The process of discussing and drafting a family mission statement can be helpful in itself. Consider the suggestions at this blog:


- Importance of Adequate Sleep. Restfulness can help us balance our brain chemistry, enhance our intelligence, and decrease our likelihood of disease.



- Resolving the Heart of Conflict. All of us have a little conflict from time to time in our relationships. Enjoy this TEDx talk on resolving conflict.




--Leland Anderson

Principal, RDF International School



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