












來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-26


Dear Families and Teachers,


I’m excited by the wonderful children you are raising. They are becoming more and more mature, day by day. I see their growth continually in the classroom, in the hallways, and in the dorms.Maturity grows word by word, little by little, choice by choice, and principle by principle.


Individuals and families can benefit from principles of maturity such as these


Learning and living by true concepts and principles leads to happiness and prosperity.


Giving up something for the benefit of others creates love for them.


Strong relationships are built on principles of honesty, service, love, respect, gratitude, moderation, fairness,integrity, loyalty, responsibility, discipline, etc.


Loyalty within marriage and family relationships is a key to happiness.


Dedicating one’s efforts and talents to service is a source of great meaning and fulfillment! It is a joyful to do good in the world.


School-wide announcements and reminders this week include


* Student Assembly. We enjoyed a student assembly on Monday, and students sang the Chinese National Anthem! We encouraged students to speak English everywhere and reminded them of basic rules and expectations, such as be kind, be grateful, wear the uniform as directed, smile, and avoid harmful substance and habits.


* Spring Athletics are up and running for RDF as HS soccer had a busy week. Boys and girls both traveled to ISNS for their first match and then hosted SCIE in a wet and wild home fixture. Both teams are working hard and developing fast! Congratulations to the MS girls volleyball team for qualifying for the playoffs! They faced the top seeded GOS on Thursday and proved that they belonged in the top four of the league. Next week HS soccer is back in action on Monday at QSI and then again at BASIS. The HS badminton team is also competing next Saturday for the SISAC league tournament.We look forward to these upcoming events and the continuing support of RDF Eagles!

* 運動戰(zhàn)報。高中足球隊度過了一個忙碌的一周,春季賽事已經(jīng)開啟。男隊和女隊都前往ISNS參加他們的第一場比賽,隨后在自己的主場,一個潮濕和大雨的下午對戰(zhàn)來訪的SCIE。兩支隊伍都在努力付出并在讓我們看到了他們巨大的進步和成長!同時,也恭喜我們初中女子排球隊晉級了季后賽!周四她們將會對陣頂級強隊GOS并證明自己聯(lián)盟前四的地位。下周,高中足球隊將于周一在QSI重新賽季的征程,而后移師BASIS。高中羽毛球隊也將參加下周六參加SISAC體育聯(lián)盟的比賽。我們期待這些即將到來的比賽以及RDF Eagles的持續(xù)精彩表現(xiàn)!

* World Scholars Cup Registration is ongoing and is due by April 20. Students enjoyed a wonderful presentation last night from the WSC founder, Daniel Berdichevky. The competition is on May 11–12 in Green Oasis School. Four components of WSC include team debate, collaborative writing, scholar’s bowl, and “The Challenge.” The competition study guide is forwarded with this newsletter. More information is available here:


*世界學者杯報名正在進行中,并將于4月20日截止。學生們昨晚從世界學者杯創(chuàng)始人Daniel Berdichevky的精彩演講中收獲良多。比賽將于5月11日至12日在城市綠洲學校舉行。世界學者杯的四個組成部分包括團隊辯論,寫作,學者杯和“大挑戰(zhàn)”。關于本競賽的學習指南隨本校長信一同轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)。更多信息請點擊這里:


* RDF Superstar Dance Competition. The RDF Superstar Dance Competition will be on March 21 from 7–9 PM.

* RDF Superstar舞蹈比賽。 RDF Superstar舞蹈比賽將于3月21日晚7點至9點舉行。

* Pubei Middle School Service, Friday,March 15–17. Students will share stories of their life at RDF International School and learn about the students in Pubei. The students will also visit local families in their homes to share groceries with them. There will also be evening seminars at the middle school. Many thanks to Erin Li, Summer Luo, Agatha Wu, and Chalyce Stevens for guiding this valuable service learning trip. This service partnership occurs multiple times per year, so if you are interested in having your child participate in the future, please contact your homeroom teacher.

*浦北中學助學活動,3月15日至17日。學生將在RDF國際學校分享他們的有趣故事,并了解浦北中學的學生。學生還將在交流中訪問當?shù)氐膶W生家庭,與他們分享不同的想法。在浦北中學還會舉行晚間集會歡迎大家。非常感謝Erin Li李老師,Summer Luo羅老師,Agatha Wu吳老師和Chalyce Stevens老師帶領學生參加這次寶貴的助學之旅。我們每年會舉行多次此類的活動,如果您有興趣讓您的孩子參與,請聯(lián)系您的班主任老師。

* RDFIS is organizing a string orchestra/ensemble to play with a visiting orchestra in April and at RDFIS’s inaugural graduation this June. If your child wishes to participate, please contact your homeroom teacher.

* RDFIS正在組織一個學生管弦樂團,將于今年4月與到訪RDFIS的外國樂團一起演奏,并有機會在畢業(yè)典禮上為大家演奏。如果您的孩子想?yún)⒓?,請?lián)系您的班主任老師。

* We want to hear from you! Your input is always welcome by email (leland.a@rdfis.com)or by appointment or call.

* 我們希望收到您的來信。我們歡迎您通過電子郵件(leland.a@rdfis.com)或致電我們來表達意見。

* University of Pittsburgh is sending Miss Qianyi Chen to give a lunchtime presentation to all interested students on Tuesday, March 12, 12:10–12:30 p.m. in the A-Library. Come, learn and ask questions!

*匹茲堡大學將于3月12日星期二12:10-12:30的午餐時間向所有感興趣的學生做一場講座。感興趣的同學請屆時來到 A棟的圖書館吧!

* Visiting Universities. Five university representatives will host a mini-Education Fair and one-on-one college interviews on RDFIS Campus on March 26, from 4:10–5:40 in B-F7. Interested parents are welcome to join us. The following universities will be represented.


- VirginiaTech弗吉尼亞理工學院

- Universityof Delaware特拉華大學

- UniversityOf Cincinnati辛辛那提大學

- AmericanUniversity 美利堅大學

- MarquetteUniversity 馬凱特大學

* RDFIS’s Chinese Culture club is sponsoring a charitable cultural event and fundraiser to benefit needy children here in China. Many thanks to the club leaders, including Mary Su, Gongran(G11) for their vision, service, and organization. Please take a moment to learn more here:

* RDFIS的中國文化社正在舉辦慈善文化活動和籌款活動,以幫助許多的貧困兒童。非常感謝以下的社團領導,包括蘇恭冉(G11)的美好愿景,辛勤付出和組織領導。請花一點時間在此鏈接了解更多的相關信息:

* National High School Model United Nations(NHSMUN) takes place on July 15–18, 2019 in Guangzhou. The simulation-rich learning and competition event allows students to participate in political committees focused on economy, security, society, agriculture, and more! Students represent various countries with individual, bilateral, and group proposals. Students who want to learn more may participate in an information session this coming Wednesday,March 13, 7:10-7:50 p.m. @B-706 Assembly Hall.


Finally, this week a small miracle occurred as many parents donated over 30,000 RMB to sponsor our FRC team who will be competing this month in Sydney, Australia! Thank you, parents. We love you and appreciate your sponsorship and generosity!


With gratitude and appreciation,


—Leland Anderson

Principal, RDF International School



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