梅沙黑利伯瑞書院宣講預告 | 世界TOP.1酒店管理學院及意大利NO.1商學院來訪
來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-25
瑞士洛桑酒店管理學院 & 意大利博科尼大學 宣講會時間:4月22日18:30–19:30 地點:廣州梅沙黑利伯瑞書院7樓 本校學生和家長請自行前往7樓升學資訊中心 本次活動接受校外學生及家長報名 *名額有限,先到先得

école h?telière de Lausanne

瑞士洛桑酒店管理學院(簡稱:EHL)成立于1893年,是世界上歷史最悠久、專業(yè)聲譽最高的國際酒店管理名校,在2019QS酒店管理專業(yè)排名全球第一。 洛桑酒店管理學院的教學特色是強調理論與實踐相結合;國際酒店管理理學士包括酒管行業(yè)的預備課程,三年的商業(yè)管理課程學習,兩個為期六個月的實習,以及10周咨詢項目。
Founded in 1893, école h?telière de Lausanne (EHL) is the world's oldest and most prestigious International Hotel Management School, ranking 1st in the world for Hospitality and Leisure Management in 2019 QS World University Rankings. EHL emphasizes the combination of theory and practice. The Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management includes a preparatory year of immersion into the hospitality industry, three years of coursework studying business management topics, two six-month internships, and a 10-week consulting project.

Bocconi University

Located in Milan, Italy, the University of Bocconi was founded in 1902. It is the best business school in Italy and the world's top business school. Bocconi's majors in economics, law and management are highly reputable in Europe, and its main faculties sit firmly in the top 20 in the world for all types of rankings. Bocconi ranks 8th in the world alongside London School of Economics in Business and Management, 11th with Yale University in Social Sciences by the 2019 QS World University Rankings.