瑞得福國際學(xué)校4.4丨Principal's Letter To Parents校長致家長們的一封信
來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-25
Dear Families and Students,
With the coming of Qing Ming Festival, I wish you and your family a peaceful and clear holiday with your family,remembering your ancestors. Please enjoy a brief review of this week.
在清明時節(jié)即將到來之際, 祝您和您的家人共同擁有一個安寧的假期,與家人共度美好的時光,并緬懷我們的祖先。請享受本周的簡短評論。
We enjoyed taking Yearbook Photos as an entire student group, faculty group, and in homeroom classes. Students looked very sharp in their uniforms.
We had a great introduction to many classes that will be offered next year, including AP classes, required courses, and elective courses. Also, a special business competition was introduced to students. Course offerings and course descriptions will be circulated soon.

Hundreds of lessons taught each day were filled with active learning, as always. A few students I interviewed this morning said:
- I learned the first 31 bars of theTeleman Symphony
- I learned that integration can help me find the volume of a revolution.
- I learned the vocabulary of TOEFL and I got ready for my test.
- I learned that situation and disposition beliefs can influence our behaviors toward others.
- I learned how to be an empathic listening, using body language and reflecting back what others say.

Also, in connection with a routine health inspection, we invited more than 10 students to visit our kitchen this week.They found that it was very clean (see pictures below) and they were very impressed by the positive and orderly environment. Safety in food handling,preparation, and kitchen cleanliness is of great importance to us all, as all employees and students, including some employee families (such as mine!) eat in the canteen every day. Thanks to our canteen manager and staff for maintain a clean environment that we trust. Students will be involved in similar routine inspections in the future.

Schoolwide announcements and reminders include:
* April 8—HS Soccer RDF @ SIS and SWIS, 4 PM. Parents are welcome!
4月8日 - 高中足球RDF 對陣SIS和SWIS,將在下午4點(diǎn)開賽。歡迎家長們參與!
* April 9—MS Basketball RDF @ SIS, 4 PM. Parents are welcome!
4月9日 - 初中籃球RDF 對陣 SIS,將在下午4點(diǎn)開賽。歡迎家長們參與!
* April 15—HS Soccer Playoffs. Save the date!
4月15日 - 高中足球季后賽。請銘記此日期!
* April 12—Track & Field @ GOS, 4 PM. Parents are welcome!
4月12日 - 田徑比賽@ GOS,下午4點(diǎn)開賽。歡迎家長們參與!
* In preparation for 3-Way Conferences,RDFIS buses will depart around 4:20 p.m. on Thursday, April 11.
* 3-Way Conferences, April 11 (4:20–7:00PM) or April 12 (8–3 PM). Please join us for 3-Way Conferences and please bring your son or daughter with you. Having your child present with you will strengthen your relationship and help you better understand how you can supporty our child in their education. Meals and snacks are provided for all in attendance.
* 家長會,4月11日(4:20-7:00 PM)或4月12日(8-3 PM)。請加入我們的家長會,請帶上您的兒子或女兒。讓您的孩子與您在一起將加強(qiáng)彼此之間的關(guān)系,并幫助您更好地了解如何支持您的孩子接受教育。所有與會者均可享用學(xué)校提供的餐點(diǎn)和小吃。
You can sign up for conferences online. At least one parent from each family is strongly encouraged to attend. Please make a note of your conference sign-ups.
Please observe scheduled appointments by arriving in Dapeng on time and moving from appointment to appointment on time.Teachers will make great efforts to stay on schedule.
* April 13—Spring Music Festival 10:00 AM at RDFIS. Join us for performances of wonderful RDFIS student youth musicians in the B-Commons. See flyer below.
4月13日 - 春季音樂節(jié)將在上午10:00在RDFIS舉行。歡迎加入在B棟大堂表演精彩節(jié)目的RDFIS學(xué)生青年音樂家們。

* April 18—Joint RDFIS and Lake Highland Preparatory Band and Orchestra Performance @ RDFIS 4:30–5:30 PM. B-Auditorium.Parents and friends of the school are welcome to join us for this delightfulconcert!
* 4月18日 - RDFIS和Lake Highland預(yù)備樂隊和管弦樂隊聯(lián)合演出@ RDFIS 4:30-5:30 PM。 B棟禮堂。歡迎家長們和朋友們加入我們這場愉快的音樂會!
Finally, when life is good, when work is busy, and when life is hard—it is always good to remember that family is central to our happiness. Dedicating ourselves to successful relationships with our children and cheering them on through the various experiences of life can be tremendous sources of joy.
Please enjoy a few photos from the past week in the images and video below and attached.
Principal, RDF International School