











瑞得福國際學校5.10丨Principal's Letter To Parents校長致家長們的一封

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-24


Dear Families,


It is wonderful to learn with your children again after the Labor Day vacation. We hope you strengthened family relationships during the break and enjoyed rest and recreation.


With five weeks of school remaining, we remind all students of the joy of finishing well. Personal confidence grows as we demonstrate fortitude and endure to the end, striving always to fulfill our potential.

在僅剩的五周學習時間里,我們希望所有的學生能夠快樂得完成學業(yè)。 能夠表現(xiàn)出堅韌的品格并堅持到底,個人的信心不斷得到增強,致力于發(fā)掘我們每個人身上的潛力。

One of the best ways to fulfill our tremendous potential is to implement simple, meaningful habits that strengthen us day-by-day.


Many highly accomplished individuals and writers about change and self-development advocate using simple, daily routines, often in the morning, including a little exercise, study from inspiring literature, mindfulness, planning, and practices similar to what Dr. Stephen R Covey calls "sharpening the saw.” Please enjoy a brief video on the following Web page about Sharpening the Saw:

許多成就卓越的人士和作家主張使用簡單的日常工作來改變和提升自我的發(fā)展,通常在早上,包括通過一些練習,鼓舞人心的文學,正念,計劃和實踐。類似于Stephen R Covey博士所說的“ 磨鋸子”。

請在以下網(wǎng)頁欣賞關(guān)于“ 磨鋸子”的簡短視頻:https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits/habit-7.html

RDF stands for core values of responsibility, discipline, and fortitude, and these are aided by the simple practices shown in video above.


Important announcements and reminders this week include本周重要公告和提醒包括:

*MID-TERM. We have reached the middle of Term 4. Please review your child's grades and encourage them to submit missing work or maintain a high GPA. Failure to submit work is the most common reason for a low GPA. Submitting work—even if imperfect—is a key to earning good grades.

我們已處在第4學期的中期。請檢查您孩子的成績,并鼓勵他們提交缺失的作業(yè)或保持較高的GPA。 未交作業(yè)是GPA較低的最常見原因。 即便有時候作業(yè)可能沒有做到非常完美,但能夠完成每一次的作業(yè)是獲得好成績的關(guān)鍵。



*KALEIDOSCOPE:ACADEMIC CELEBRATIONS DAY. On May 31, please join us for a day of celebrating project-based learning, coupled with fun, academic competitions. We will have a wonderful time celebrating the students' efforts. Mathematical competitions, spelling competitions, geography games, business fair, World War II museum, technology fair, art exhibits, musical performances, and other competitions will be held throughout the school day! We encourage each student to have at least one parent join us to enjoy the outstanding academic work, programs and performances of our students! See schedule below.


* OPEN DAY. RDFIS will have an “Open Day” on May 18, May 25, and June 1. These are opportunities for prospective students and families to learn about RDFIS, visit the campus, take the entrance examination, and meet the administration and some faculty. If you know someone who might like to come and see what we offer, please invite them to contact Fiona Lv at 400-806-4123.

RDFIS開放日。 RDFIS將于5月18日舉辦“開放日”活動。學生和家庭有機會了解RDFIS,參觀校園,參加入學考試。 如果您認識某人,可能想來看看我們所提供的優(yōu)質(zhì)教育,請邀請他們聯(lián)系Fiona呂老師,電話:400-806-4123。

*CONGRATULATIONS to our girls middle school basketball team who won their final competition in the SISAC post-season tournaments yesterday. Way to go, Eagles!


On Thursday, May 9, the Yellow House Team enjoyed an off-campus dinner for winning April's campus-wide Speak English Everywhere (SEE) competition. As part of their reward, students chose a haircut for Mr. Abbott! Now, Mr. Abbott looks both younger and older at the same time—a vivid reminder to all students and employees, young and old, to keep practicing their English everywhere on campus! The more students improve their English now, the more prepared they will be for success in the foreign university and beyond. Thank you, Mr. Abbott, for the love and warmth you continually share with all RDFIS students, families, and employees, and your ceaseless efforts to improve the English learning atmosphere at our school!

5月9日星期四,黃隊在校外聚餐,慶祝他們贏得了4月Speak English Everywhere(SEE)的比賽。作為獎勵的一部分,學生們還選擇了Abbott副校長的發(fā)型! 現(xiàn)在,Abbott先生看起來既年輕又年長 ——以身作則,生動地提醒所有的學生和員工,無論年輕還是年長,都要在校園里隨時隨地練習英語!

現(xiàn)在同學們的英語水平越來越高,他們對在國外大學及其他大學取得未來成就的前期準備越來越充分。 感謝Abbott副校長,感謝您不斷與所有RDFIS學生,家庭和員工分享愛與溫暖,以及您為改善我們學校的英語學習氛圍所做的不懈努力!

Sincerely and gratefully yours,


—Leland Anderson

Principal, RDF International School



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