來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-24
Report: World ScholarsCup(WSC) Shenzhen Round 2019 Presented by: AyazAlamQayami, SCCSC-WSC Coordinator

The World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) is a celebration of learning and a gathering of nations. It may look like a competition, but it is not. It is an event to help students develop their ability to debate and it is not just all about debate. It is way more than that. It helps students to learn to work as a team, shine their general knowledge, explore different subject areas related to what they are learning at school, deal with serious global issues and if they cannot speak well then debate with their pen and learn how to defend their position on a current topic. WSC also gives students a chance to meet other students from around the world, understand different cultures and most importantly, make new friends.

The World Scholars Cup Shenzhen Round 2019 was held on Saturday and Sunday, May 11 and 12, 2019 and this was our 2nd year in a row participating in this event. This year it was held at two different venues. Day 1 at the Green Oasis School and Day 2 at the China Asia Electronics Trading Centre conference room, both in Shenzhen. The event went on from 8:30 in the morning till 6:00 pm in the evening on the first day and on the second day it lasted till 8:00 pm in the evening. It was attended by more than 550 scholars from Shenzhen and the area around Guangdong.

This year we had 7 teams of 3 members each from our school altogether 21 students, an increase of 5 teams as compared to last year. Tina and Tracy from Class 11.1, Leo, Tony, Bruce, Winnie, Kelly and Dean from 11.2, Victoria, Stephan, Alex and Chris from 11.3, Jeff and Arthur from 11.5,Evelyn, William, Tony and Judy from 11.6 and Edison, Christina and Maggie from 11.10 represented SCCSC in the event.

WSC had 4 main events, including Collaborate Writing, Scholars’ Challenge, Team Debate, and Scholars’ Bowl. In Collaborate Writing, students had to corporate with their teammates to write an argumentative essay supporting a motion and try to convince the reader. For the Scholars’ Challenge, they had to use their knowledge to answer 120 multiple choices questions on paper. The third part, Team Debates, was for debating with other teams from other schools, which was challenging for our students as most of the contestants were from international schools where medium of instruction is English. Finally, in the Scholars’ Bowl, all delegates sat in the hall with their team members and using a clicker answered another set of multiple choices questions based on critical thinking skills.

It gives me greatpleasure to inform that in-spite of being from a bilingual set up still our students didpretty well at the Shenzhen Round and won several silver and gold medals. And the best of all is that Six out of seven of our teams have qualified for the Global Round. This year there will be six global rounds in six different cities around the world (Beijing-China, Astana-Kazakhstan, Hague-Netherlands, Sydney-Australia, Manila-Philippines and Durban-South Africa) and we can participate in any one of them.

Participating in WSC helped our students enhance their knowledge as it brought together many subjects, helped them gain more confidence, develop inter-personal and intra-personal skills, and most importantly make new friends. Having WSC participation on their university applications is an added advantage.
Thank you


今年我們學校共有7個團隊,每個團隊3人,共21名學生參賽,比去年增加了5個團隊。他們分別是11.1班的Tina和Tracy,11.2班的Leo、Tony、Bruce、Winnie、Kelly和Dean, 11.3班的Victoria、Stephan、Alex和Chris, 11.3班的Jeff和Arthur,11.6班的Evelyn、William、Tony和Judy,11.10班的Edison、Christina和Maggie 。
