












來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-24


Dear Families,


Today’s Kaleidoscope Academic Celebration was a great and memorable day of learning for students and visitors. The RDFIS students demonstrated impressive learning through team work; poster displays; multi-media projects; oral presentations; and participation in math, geography, and spelling contests.

今天的萬花筒學(xué)術(shù)慶典對所有學(xué)生和參觀者來說都是一個美好而難忘的學(xué)習日。 RDFIS的學(xué)生們通過團隊合作表現(xiàn)出了令人印象深刻的學(xué)習表現(xiàn)、海報展示、多媒體項目、口頭匯報以及涉及數(shù)學(xué),地理和拼寫的比賽。

We also enjoyed various musical numbers performed by the student choir, the popular music club, a vocal quartet, and a vocal duet.


Thank you, teachers, for preparing a wonderful Kaleidoscope Day with wonderful learning opportunities and memorable experiences!


Also, the election results for next year’s Student Government President and Vice president were announced. Siyi (Cindy) Bao was elected President, and Manqi (Maggie) Xu was elected Vice President. We are confident they will do a fine job! We congratulate all who campaigned for their courageous efforts! There service will be valuable to the success of the school. We look forward to an excellent 2019-2020 Academic School Year.

還有,我們公布了下一年的學(xué)生會主席和副主席的選舉結(jié)果。 鮑思逸(Cindy)當選主席,徐曼琪(Maggie)當選為副主席。 我們都相信她們能勝任! 我們祝賀所有為自己努力奮斗的人! 所有的服務(wù)對于我們學(xué)校都很有價值。 我們期待2019-2020學(xué)年,我們能夠取得更加優(yōu)異成績。

Announcements and reminders about upcoming events include.有關(guān)即將開展的活動的公告和提醒包括:

*HAPPY CHILDREN’S DAY, June 1. We encourage families to create memories of special days by doing something a little different from the routine. Spend a little extra time with your child, talking or playing together. These memories can last a life time!

6月1日,兒童節(jié)快樂!我們鼓勵所有的家庭通過做一些與日常生活有所不同的事情來創(chuàng)造特殊日子的美好記憶。 多花一點時間與孩子在一起,一起聊天或一起玩耍。 這些美好的記憶將會伴隨一生!

* COURSE REGISTRATION for Fall 2020 courses is now underway. We collected course preferences from all students beginning this Thursday, however, only families and students who have completed the re-enrollment application will be officially enrolled in courses for next Fall. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. In other words, students who have renewed the contract with school have priority over students who have not renewed the contract. We encourage all families to complete the re-enrollment application as soon as they are able. Thank you!

目前正在進行2020年秋季課程的課程注冊。 我們從本周四開始收集所有學(xué)生的課程偏好,但是,只有完成了注冊申請的學(xué)生才能正式參加下一個學(xué)期的課程。 課程將以先到先得的方式進行。 即,與學(xué)校已續(xù)簽合同的學(xué)生將優(yōu)先于未續(xù)簽合同的學(xué)生。 我們鼓勵所有家長盡快完成注冊申請。 謝謝!

* CHECK POWERSCHOOL. Your child’s grades are updated frequently. You can see many final projects and final exams coming in the last few weeks. Please talk to your child to help them plan and manage the work.

檢查POWERSCHOOL。 您孩子的成績會經(jīng)常不斷更新。 在最后的幾周里,您可以看到許多期末作業(yè)和期末考試。請與您的孩子交談,幫助他們規(guī)劃和管理學(xué)業(yè)。

* OPEN DAY. RDFIS is hosting “Open Days” for prospective students and families on June 1 and June 22. These are opportunities for prospective students and families to learn about RDFIS, visit the campus, take the entrance examination, and meet the administration and some staff. If you know someone who wants to learn about RDFIS, please invite them to contact Fiona Lv at 400-806-4123.

RDFIS開放日。 RDFIS將于6月1日,6月22日舉辦“開放日”活動。學(xué)生和家庭有機會了解RDFIS,參觀校園,參加入學(xué)考試和我們的老師們見面。 如果您認識某人,可能想來看看我們所提供的優(yōu)質(zhì)教育,請邀請他們聯(lián)系Fiona Lv,電話:400-806-4123。

* DRAMA PERFORMANCE. June 3. 7 PM. The Drama 8 class will perform a short comedic play: 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse. The students have worked hard on this class project, and are very excited to present it. The performance will be approximately 45 minutes long.

戲劇表演。 6月3日晚7點。 戲劇班將演出短喜?。好鎸┦?0種生存啟示錄。 學(xué)生們在這個課堂上努力學(xué)習,并且很高興能夠展示學(xué)到的東西。 表演時間約為45分鐘。

* BRASS BAND CONCERT. June 4. 7 PM. B-7 Assembly Hall. Come enjoy the wonderful music of our Beginning Brass Band. Many thanks to Mrs. Melissa Leuschel for organizing the concert!

銅管樂隊表演。 6月4日晚7點。 教學(xué)樓B棟7樓大會堂。 快來享受我們的銅管樂隊帶來的精彩音樂吧。 非常感謝Melissa Leuschel夫人組織了這次音樂會!

* RDF MOCK TRIAL. June 5, 7 PM. B-Auditorium. This is a performance open to all students, but you sign up with homeroom teacher first.

RDF模擬法庭。 6月5日晚7點。B棟禮堂。這是一個向所有學(xué)生開放的表演賽,但您首先要與班主任老師報名。

* SOCIAL DANCE INSTRUCTION. June 5. 7–8 PM. A-Dance Room. Come one, come all! Get ready for the End-of-Year School Dance on June 12!

社交舞蹈指導(dǎo)。6月5日。晚上7–8點在 A棟舞蹈室。 大家都來吧!為6月12日的學(xué)校舞會做好準備!

* SPRING FORMAL BALL. June 12—Join us for a Spring Ball from 7:00–9:30 PM at RDF B- 706. Dress is formal, semiformal, or dress uniform. Dates are welcome for students age 16 and older. Younger students are welcome to join us without a date. Parent chaperones are welcome. Parents may contact your homeroom teacher to volunteer.

春季正式舞會。 6月12日 – 歡迎加入我們,參加春季舞會,時間為晚上7:00-9:30,RDF B-706。禮服可以選擇正式,半正式或禮服校服。 16歲及以上的學(xué)生歡迎邀請舞伴。 歡迎年齡較小的學(xué)生在沒有舞伴的情況下加入我們。 歡迎家長們的陪伴。 家長們也可以聯(lián)系您的班主任老師,前來擔任志愿者。

* G12 GRADUATION CEREMONY, G10–11 Closing Ceremony.

Ceremony time: June 13, 2019, 9:30-11:30;

Check-in time: 8:30-9:30;

Location: RDFIS, Lecture Hall, 7th Floor, Building B

Registration deadline: Monday, June 10, 5:00 pm. Homeroom teachers.

* 12年級畢業(yè)典禮,10-11年級結(jié)課典禮。



地點:教學(xué)樓B棟7樓大廳, RDFIS

報名截止日期:6月10日星期一,下午5:00。 請于班主任老師處報名。

* G12 GRADUATION CEREMONY, G7–9 Closing Ceremony.

Ceremony time: June 14, 2019, 9:30–11:30;

Check-in time: 8:30–9:30;

Location: RDFIS, Lecture Hall, 7th Floor, Building B

Registration deadline: Monday, June 10, 5:00 pm. Homeroom teachers.




地點:教學(xué)樓B棟7樓大廳, RDFIS

報名截止日期:6月10日星期一,下午5:00。 請于班主任老師處報名。

* CLEANEST DORM WINNERS. Congratulations to this week’s “Cleanest Dorm Award” winners.


We hope you enjoy some restful time and discussion as a family this weekend.


Sincerely and gratefully yours,


—Leland Anderson

Principal, RDF International School



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