深圳南山國際學校2年級學生像科學家一樣學習 Grade 2 learning like scient
來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-24
For their current Unit of Inquiry on "How the World Works", Grade 2 students are learning all about how scientists learn new information. The students were given the opportunity to be scientists for a day by going to the ISNS science lab. 在探究單元“世界如何運轉(zhuǎn)”中,

They used the scientific process to ask qustions, to come up with hypotheses, to test their predictions through hands-on experiments, and to record their observations.
They participated in several experiments ranging from learning about chemical reactions (Elephant's Toothpaste and Milk Color Explosion), physical reactions (Mentos in Cola), density of different liquids (Tower of Layered Liquids), and starch content in different foods (Using Iodine to Test for Starch).