來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-23
深圳市楓葉學校高中美術(shù)社團最近完成了對教學樓二樓走廊的繪畫裝飾。學生們創(chuàng)作的壁畫描繪了加拿大土著民族故事中的六個角色– 出自Margot Landahl的“The Six Cedars”。這些角色包括虎鯨,烏鴉,海貍,狼,熊和鮭魚。每個角色各代表了BC課程所包含的核心競爭力中的其中一項。

虎鯨有清晰的“自我認知”,這是個人意識和責任能力的精髓; 烏鴉“是富有創(chuàng)造力的思想家”,代表著創(chuàng)造性思維能力;狼“是很好的溝通者”,它代表了溝通能力; 海貍代表社會責任能力,因為它們“關(guān)心所處的社區(qū)和環(huán)境”;熊“尊重自我以及他人”, 這也正是社會責任能力所強調(diào)的內(nèi)容;而鮭魚象征著批判性思維能力,因為鮭魚“是一個充滿好奇而又謹慎的思考者”。
Orcas “know about themselves” which is the essence of the Personal Awareness and Responsibility competency. Raven “is a creative thinker” and represents the Creative Thinking competency. Wolf “is a good Communicator” which speaks to the Communication competency. Beaver represents the Social Responsibility competency because Beaver “cares for the community and the environment”. Bear “shows respect for self and others” as is emphasized in the Social Responsibility competency and Salmon symbolizes the Critical Thinking competency because Salmon “is a careful and curious thinker.”

美術(shù)社團的學生們在繪畫的時候投入了很多精力和時間,力求生動形象的效果。所以在繪制壁畫之前,他們就已經(jīng)做了大量的準備工作。該作品由高中“頂級藝術(shù)家”慈佳殷設(shè)計。解晨澤負責幕后組織計劃工作,包括選定地點、研究材料和訂購物資等。 吐瑪利茲克爾江和鄧斯元則負責準備該項目的書面提案提交高中校長和總務主任批準。當所有的準備工作完成,學生們就正式開始了繪制工作。感謝慈佳殷,鄧斯元,吐瑪利茲·克爾江,王亦如,解晨澤,徐王燏,鄭雯文和王安涵對會該項目的付出!
The Students in the fine arts club worked very hard to make the murals come to life. Much work was done before the murals could be painted. The artwork was designed by MLIAS top artist, Yannie. Steven took care of the behind the scenes organization by planning locations, researching materials and ordering supplies. Harmony and Daisy provided additional support by preparing a written proposal which was submitted to the principal and facilities manager for approval. Once all the preliminary work was completed, the painting began. Thank you to Yannie, Daisy, Harmony, Erru, Steven, Tiffany, Jenny, and Ann who spent hours painting the murals. Job well done!