夢想為翼 展翅高飛 ——深圳奧斯翰國際高中畢業(yè)典禮隆重舉行
來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-23
夢想為翼 展翅高飛 --深圳奧斯翰國際高中畢業(yè)典禮在萬怡酒店隆重舉行

On the morning of June 15, the 2019 Graduation Ceremony of Oxstand International School was held at the Marriott Hotel. More than 300 people gathered here to witness the great ceremony. Everyone was full of excitement. After three years of hard work, our students had successfully completed their studies and will fly high with their dreams in mind.

The 2019 graduation ceremony started with the Oxstand School Song. Dr. Chen Ekui, the director of the school board, and Mr. Fang Hongzhuo, the principal, delivered enthusiastic speeches. They thanked the school, parents, teachers and students.

This year's graduates have received more than 100 university acceptances from the University of Manchester, the University of Toronto, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and many other reputable universities.

奧斯翰是植根羅湖,具有深圳改革血脈,服務粵港澳大灣區(qū)的一所國有民辦完全中學。辦學十五年來,國際教育凸顯了三大優(yōu)勢:一是課程優(yōu)勢。學校開辦了中國普高藝術課程、加拿大高中課程、韓國人中學課程、港澳臺及華僑聯(lián)招課程、日本大學直升課程、韓國大學直升課程、初中國際基礎課程等。引進IB課程理念,打造融合性初中國際課程、美術、音樂傳媒等藝術特色課程。以國際部課程與教學中心為核心,打造國際部學生CCA(Co-Curricular Activity)拓展課程,以加拿大OSSD課程為基礎,打造學生涯規(guī)劃課程。二是師資優(yōu)勢。學校有博士3人,碩士研究生12人,海歸教師3人。國際部聘請了來自美國、加拿大、英國等9個國家的16名外教承擔教學任務。三是學生全面發(fā)展優(yōu)勢。學校既注重國家課程、文化知識的學習,落實以發(fā)展能力為核心的拓展活動課程,又與國際接軌,讓大陸的孩子走出國門,傳播秦磚漢瓦的源遠流長;讓外國的孩子來到中國,感受中華文化的燦爛輝煌。
Oxstand is a full-day secondary private school in Shenzhen, located in Luohu District. Over the past 15 years, Oxstand has highlighted three major advantages—courses, teachers and student's well-rounded development. The International Department employs foreign teachers from around the world, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Oxstand pays attention to the study of national curriculum and cultural knowledge, offering co-curricular activities with international standards, in order to help our children succeed abroad.

Oxstand has consistently carried out all-round education to tap the potential of students. We develop students' international vision and competitiveness by implementing international courses. Professional teachers, multiple courses and in-depth experiences make our students better. Oxstand is committed to fully supporting students in their growing process so that students can continue to achieve their goals.