佛山市諾德安達學校----本周六,寄宿游園會等你來!| NAS Foshan Boarding Op
來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-21
本周六,來自瑞士和美國的五所諾德安達教育集團姐妹學校(Collège Alpin Beau Soleil, Collège Champittet, North Broward Preparatory School, Windermere Preparatory School, the Village School)將聯(lián)合為我們帶來一場“諾德安達寄宿主題游園會”特別活動
九月開放日 - 寄宿篇

本周六,來自瑞士和美國的五所諾德安達教育集團姐妹學校(Collège Alpin Beau Soleil, Collège Champittet, North Broward Preparatory School, Windermere Preparatory School, the Village School)將聯(lián)合為我們帶來一場“諾德安達寄宿主題游園會”特別活動,向大家展示一所優(yōu)秀的寄宿制學校應該是什么樣的。屆時我校將在校園內(nèi)舉行家長沙龍,寄宿主題游園會,各種課程體驗等精彩活動,歡迎大家報名參與。

活動亮點一 “家長沙龍”
1、David先生來自諾德安達姐妹學校瑞士尚貝堤學院,同時代表全球學費排行第二的姐妹學校-瑞士Beau Soleil中學
2、Dean Topodas先生,來自佛羅里達最美校園-諾德安達姐妹學校溫德米爾預備學校,美國威利中學及北部羅沃德預備學校學校的住宿生活總監(jiān)
活動亮點二 “校園文化游園會”

活動亮點三 “諾德安達-茱莉亞表演藝術項目體驗”
與我校音樂老師(畢業(yè)于茱莉亞學院)Andrew Wangemann一同感受音樂的魅力。
Andrew Wangemann

- 畢業(yè)于全球6大知名音樂學院,美國茱莉亞學院
- 多才多藝的作曲家,通曉多種樂器的演奏,在就讀茱莉亞學院期間曾發(fā)行了一張大受好評的音樂專輯
- 擁有超過6年的國際學校任教經(jīng)驗

Andrew老師“Baby Babble”專輯照片



September Open Day - Boarding Carnival

This coming Saturday,five sister schools from Nord Angelia Education(Collège Alpin Beau Soleil, Collège Champittet, North Broward Preparatory School, Windermere Preparatory School, the Village School) will joint together and bring us a "boarding carnival" event. In the meantime, we will hold Parents Workshop, Fun Classes, School tour etc. Please sign up to join this event with us.
Date and Time:10am-1pm Saturday, the 21st of September
Highlight 1. “Parent Workshop”
1. Being a sucessful boarding school family
2. Boarding inside the classroom - how can boarding support the academic journey?
3、Nord Anglia Education Sister School Introduction
1. Mr. David from our sister school Collège Champittet. He is representing three sisiter schools in Switzerland, including Collège Alpin Beau Soleil which has the second highest fee worldwide.
2. Mr. Dean Topodas, the Residential Life Director from Windermere Preparatory School. He is representing Windermere Preparatory School and North Broward in Florida and the Village School in Houston.
3. The admissions team of Sister schools.
Highlight 2. “Carnival Booths”
Three carnival booths for parents and children to experience the campus boarding culture of Switzerland, the United States and Foshan.

Highlight 3. “Engage with The Juilliard-Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme”
Experience the charm of music with our music teacher Andrew Wangemann from the Juilliard School.
Andrew Wangemann

* Graduated from The Juilliard School
* A talented composer and multi-instrumentalist. With the scholarship, he published his own jazz album while studying in The Juilliard School
* More than 6 years' international teaching experience

The"Baby Babble" album of Andrew.
Highlight 4. Fun Classes
1、Fun English

2、STEAM Experiential Class

3、School Tour