











深圳國際預科學院——迎國慶!中國文化月“中華美食節(jié)”開幕 SIPC Chinese Food Fes

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-20

為迎接國慶節(jié)的到來,SIPC中國文化月 ·中華美食節(jié)在9月28日開幕了!To celebrate the National Day, SIPC hold the Chinese Food Festival!

Chinese Food Festival


Chinese Food Festival is the core activity of SIPC Chinese Culture Month, which aims to highlight the charm of Chinese culture through the presentation of eight Chinese cuisines and the singing and dancing of Chinese national elements, to further deepen students' sense of identity and sense of mission to Chinese culture. This Event also brought students, teachers and parents together. It was a memorable day filled with laughter.

一起來享受 “中華美食節(jié)”的美好時光吧

Let's enjoy the Chinese Food Festival!

開幕式Opening Ceremony

Fire House

Water House

Wind House

Earth House

美食時刻Enjoy the Food

俗話說得好,一方水土養(yǎng)一方人,一方水土也孕育了一方家鄉(xiāng)風味。麻辣夠味的川菜、精致清美的粵菜、平和養(yǎng)生的魯菜、四季有別的蘇菜、葷香不膩的閩菜、酥嫩香鮮的徽菜、酸辣醇香的湘菜、清秀雅麗的浙菜。中華美食節(jié),來自SIPC 4個House的同學和家長們給我們帶來了豐盛的佳肴,從菜品種類、食材、烹飪,全部親手準備和制作。

As an old saying goes: Each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants. For example, Sichuan food is hot and spicy, Cantonese food is exquisite and beautiful, Lu dishes are gentle and healthy, the four seasons have other Soviet dishes, fragrant and not greasy leeks, crispy and fresh hui dishes, spicy and fragrant xiang dishes, elegant Zhejiang cuisines. On the Chinese food festival, the students and parents and have prepared so much delicious food. All the dishes were prepared and produced by all the parents and students.

節(jié)目展示Show Time

/ Fire House /

/ Water House /

/ Wind House /

/ Earth House /


Primary School Special Performance


The students from different Houses showed us the human geography and local conditions and customs of hunan, fujian, guangdong, anhui and other provinces, and brought us performances of erhu, hulusi, clarinet and other musical instruments. The lovely students from the primary school brought us special performances of "two tigers" and "selling tangyuan". One of the parents brought us the selected section of huangmei opera which was listed in the national intangible cultural heritage list. These performances were really amazing, wchich won bursts of applause.

頒獎儀式Awarding Ceremony

“最佳美食獎”Best Food Award

“最佳服裝獎”Best Costume Award

Water House

“最佳表演獎”Best Performance Award

總冠軍The Grand Champion

Wind House



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