












來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-20

As the soccer season draws near to concluding, it is true that all good things must come to an end.世間美好的事情總會有結(jié)束的時候,本賽季足球聯(lián)賽的群雄爭霸也即將鳴金收兵,臨近尾聲了。


Soccer Team

As the soccer season draws near to concluding, it is true that all good things must come to an end.世間美好的事情總會有結(jié)束的時候,本賽季足球聯(lián)賽的群雄爭霸也即將鳴金收兵,臨近尾聲了。

After a long national holiday week, without much preparation for many of the players, the Eagles of RDF traveled to SWIS in a top of the table clash. 經(jīng)過漫長的國慶假期,不少老鷹隊的隊員在缺少足夠準(zhǔn)備的前提下,匆匆趕往SWIS的賽場。

Blessed with optimal playing conditions and a beautiful playing surface both teams were eager to start the game. In cool conditions, the overcasting clouds even began to give way to direct sunlight to showcase and highlight this sporting spectacle between two talented teams. Prior to this fixture, RDF was placed second and SWIS third in domestic league table.

在極佳的比賽條件和優(yōu)美的比賽環(huán)境中,兩支球隊都對比賽展露出極度的渴望。天高氣爽, 兩支才華橫溢的球隊似乎吸引著高聳于天空之中的太陽,它極力穿破密布陰云,讓陽光托襯和突顯賽場上的波瀾壯闊。在本場比賽之前,RDF在聯(lián)賽中屈居第二,而SWIS則位列第三。

It took the Eagles some time to get out of second gear and before we knew it, we were two goals down early in the first half. It was discouraging to be behind, but it was going to take a lot more than two goals to break down a resilient team with a great sense of belief.


The comeback was on, we managed to bring it to 3-2 at half time through a powerful shot through the laces of Mike Liao. It was surprising the young striker didn't need new boots after unleashing a powerful shot that left the opposition goal keeper thankful to be alive. Jason Liu also once again found himself on the score sheet as he so often has through a close-range effort.

反攻的號角吹響,我方在Mike liao的出彩進攻中,將比分反超,3-2. 令人驚奇的是,這位出色的進攻隊員,在一次次力拔山兮的射門之后,并不需要太多的調(diào)整時間,便能繼續(xù)展開下一回合的進攻,這讓對方的門將為自我的安然無恙而感到慶幸。Jason liu也再次通過自己的方式,在近距離找到以往的節(jié)奏,為球隊再次建功。

At halftime, both coaches tried to inspire their players to take the game by the horns. The game was still there for the taking and the three points were up for grabs at 3-2, who wanted it more?


The players showed desire and fight but unfortunately, it was not enough. The game ended 6-3 in favor of SWIS. Our opponents showed great sportsmanship and football was ultimately the winner today as a good game was had by all. We left Shenzhen with our heads held high, no regrets.

隊員們表現(xiàn)出對于勝利極度的渴望和高昂的戰(zhàn)斗精神,但不幸的是,距離勝利的光環(huán)總有一些距離。最終比賽以SWIS 6-3 擊敗RDFIS結(jié)束了。我們的對手表現(xiàn)出了出色的體育精神,“足球”最終成為今天的贏家,所有人都收獲了出色的比賽。我們昂首挺胸離開深圳市區(qū),不帶有一絲的悔恨和懊惱。

For the first time in RDF MS History, the boys finished the league in third position amongst seven highly competitive teams. On Thursday 10 October, RDF will compete for ultimate glory in the playoffs. The playoffs will involve two semi-final matches and one final. In this winner takes all scenario, I trust all Eagles will be thinking of our players this Thursday.

這是RDF MS歷史上的首次,男隊在7支競爭激烈的球隊中排名第三。10月10日(星期四),RDF將爭奪季后賽的終極榮耀。季后賽將進行兩場半決賽和一場決賽。在這孤注一擲、破釜沉舟的局面下,我相信全體師生都會在本周四心系每一位我們的球員。

Our opponents in our semi-final match will be our opponents from today, SWIS.

我們將在半決賽與我們的老對手SWIS, 再次狹路相逢。

The Eagles never lose, they learn. Second chances don't come around often and we are grateful to be in the position we are in. We will certainly be giving our best shot on Thursday but regardless of the result, as the coach, and proud Eagle, am extremely proud of the players.


Soar Eagles, Soar!


——Kevin Language


Soccer Team

In the final game of the season against SWIS, the RDF MS girls team played like the eagles they are. Shadow Chen opened the scoring early on off a lovely passing play, and the girls were in good spirits. SWIS turned out to have a secret weapon who was able to consistently take on our 3-player defense single-handedly and scored a total of 6 goals with her deadly accurate aim. It was not a winning end to a winning season, but rather a spirited end to a season of MS girls learning, growing, and demonstrating pride in themselves and their school.

在本賽季對陣SWIS的最后一場比賽中,RDF女隊就像老鷹一樣在戰(zhàn)斗。Shadow Chen在一場充滿密集傳接球的比賽中開始得分,姑娘們情緒高昂。但是事實證明,SWIS擁有的秘密武器,能夠一手突破我們的3人聯(lián)防,并且以她致命的準(zhǔn)確進攻,一共打入了6個進球。這不僅僅是一個賽季的結(jié)束,也是女隊球員們的學(xué)習(xí)和成長,并表現(xiàn)出對自己和學(xué)校自豪感的一段成長經(jīng)歷的結(jié)束。

——Michael O’Connell



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