來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-19
The 9th Annual Global Mental Health Day, held on October 16th, 2019 was a huge success! Since 1992, World Mental Health Day has been annually observed as a successful way of promoting and educating people about mental health.We are honored to be part of it.

The theme for this year was suicide awareness. Every year, more than a quarter of a million people on the Chinese mainland die by suicide and another 2 million attempt suicide. Suicide is the leading cause of death among people from 15 to 29 years old. To combat this issue, we chose the slogan YOU Matter, which brought our attention to our own value and reminded us that everyone is unique and unreplaceable. Posters, t-shirts, rubber bands, buttons and stickers were adorned with the slogan. There are numerous complex factors that contribute to a suicide, but often it is the stigma of suicide that is the biggest obstacle for those who want to seek help. Therefore, the purpose of the day was to highlight that our actions should be geared towards prevention and openness.
The morning’s opening ceremony consisted of inspiring speeches and talented performances by SCCSC Hip Hop Club, followed by Principals announcing the opening of the day.

At lunchtime, food sales, swag sales and other fundraising events were held. All proceeds will go to a local charity called SpringCare for PTSD and related psychological trauma support.

In the afternoon, a Funducation Fair was held to increase awareness about mental health and suicide prevention through interactive games and booths. One of the most popular booths was a balloon toss at your favorite teacher (also a fundraising event), which was designed to help students to release their stress from studies and increase connections with their teachers. Other fun activities included an information booth, a true and false game, making stress putty, and board where students could share what they learned about mental health and suicide prevention.

At night, the Peer Buddies went to all the G10 classes to teach about Global Mental Health Day, and emphasized the importance of social support when faced with life challenges.

Lastly, the Recharging Fair, complete with balloon toss, Yoyo tzuri, free hugs, face painting, free cookies, stress balls and a movie, provided students at SCCSC with a night of fun, relaxation and entertainment.

The success of this day would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the organizers and volunteers. The Personal Development Center of SCCSC, the main organizers of the event, believes it encouraged the community to have more conversations about mental health, suicide and healthy ways to cope with challenges. Congratulations and thank you all for an amazing day!