來源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-19
10月12日,深圳首間純英式寄宿制國際學(xué)校,深圳曼徹斯通城堡學(xué)校迎來了兩周年建校紀(jì)念。應(yīng)邀出席本次校慶日慶典的嘉賓有曼徹斯通城堡學(xué)校董事局主席呂建軍、校監(jiān)Hunter先生及夫人、Duncan Moore先生及來自母校愛丁堡曼徹斯通城堡學(xué)校的師生。此外,近千位社會(huì)各界人士、全校師生、員工、家長齊聚校園、共襄盛事、歡度校慶。
On 12 October, Merchiston International School (MIS) held its official Founders’ Day. The event attracted almost 1000 visitors with distinguished guests: Mr Jianjun Lyu, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr Andrew Hunter, Mr Duncan Moore and the colleagues and teachers from Merchiston Castle School (MCS) in Edinburgh.

慶典上,校長Chris Lynn先生代表曼徹斯通城堡學(xué)校向到場的各界人士表達(dá)誠摯的謝意,并并宣布了新一屆的學(xué)生代表。校監(jiān)Hunter先生向到場來賓介紹了深圳學(xué)校與愛丁堡母校的文化傳承和正在開展的交流項(xiàng)目。董事局主席呂建軍回顧了學(xué)校過往一年所取得的優(yōu)異成績并向全校師生的努力表達(dá)感謝。
During the ceremony, Mr Chris Lynn, MIS Head of School, expressed his sincere gratitude to all and announced this year’s new Student Leaders. Mr Hunter described the connections between MCS and MIS and the ongoing exchange programme. Mr Jianjun Lyu reviewed the achievements since the school opened and expressed his thanks for the efforts of all teachers, students and staff.

After the ceremony guests enjoyed an Art Gallery Display and Jazz Trio, Basketball Match, Afternoon Tea and lots of outdoor fun with music and activities. Children had a chance to work with some star chefs from the Hilton Hotel.


經(jīng)過一年的辦學(xué),曼徹斯通城堡學(xué)校在深圳家長中獲得了非常優(yōu)秀的口碑,并以遠(yuǎn)高出國際平均水平的傲人的A Level學(xué)習(xí)成績回饋學(xué)生家庭。該校還定期組織母校和深圳校區(qū)之間的交換生項(xiàng)目,學(xué)生們可親身體驗(yàn)愛丁堡校園生活。
MIS is the first overseas campus of Merchiston Castle School, a top-ranked independent school located in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK with a glorious history of over 185 years. MIS is the first and only international school in Shenzhen providing a British education and boarding system. Achieving excellent A Level results for its first year, above and beyond the international average, has further raised the school’s reputation among parents in Shenzhen. MIS regularly organises exchange trips between the founding school and MIS where boys and girls experience life at school in Edinburgh.