深圳南山國際學(xué)?!狣P Students complete TOK Presentations大學(xué)
來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-19
Recently our G12 DP students completed their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) presentations in front of their peers and teachers. This presentation completes one of two parts that our students must accomplish in TOK. Within this presentation and their essay students are afforded opportunities to investigate, plan, make connections, and demonstrate their understanding as they link knowledge claims and knowledge questions with real life situations.
The presentation they completed is an internal assessment, worth 1/3 of their overall grade, represents the culmination of their understanding of TOK concepts in response to a knowledge question they created on their own. This presentation marks 14 months of commitment and hard work that our students invested and we recognize, applaud, and congratulate our DP students on the completion of this important mile marker.
—Contributed by Brian Kelley
—此篇文章來自Brian Kelley