











柏朗思觀瀾湖學(xué)?!?019語言文化周?Literacy Week 2019

來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-18

閱讀馬拉松堪稱是我校上周的熱點(diǎn)活動。在閱讀區(qū),同學(xué)們輪流坐在舒適的豆袋和野餐毯上享受閱讀的樂趣,以達(dá)成七小時不間斷閱讀的目標(biāo),用自己的努力為幫助世界土地信托基金籌集善款。該組織致力于通過保護(hù)土地來防止動植物棲息地遭到破壞。我們誠摯感謝所有提供贊助并支持本次閱讀馬拉松的家庭。Last week started with the highly successful Readathon, where as a school, we took it in turns to sit on bean bags and

Through out the week, we had numerous events happening within different year groups and classrooms, including a highly informative coffee morning titled ‘Reading – 3 is the Magic Number’ and a Book Swap scheme that was set up in Kapok Atrium for P1 to P6. We also had a Book Fair in School, which allowed classes to go and explore and purchase a range of books in both Chinese and English, high lighting the wealth of literature that is available to students, and encouraging them to read at home.


In K1 – P3, parent readers joined us in our classrooms to read with the children, and in Prep Senior, we learnt about the different components of fairy tales through Talk for Writing. Students in P4 to P6 are now writing their own fairy tales by twisting an old traditional tale into a more modern one, so that they can enter My Twist in a Tale Writing Competition hosted by Pearson.


知識改變命運(yùn)Knowledge Change Destiny

Literacy Week ended with a spectacul ardress up day and Literacy Picnic where students dressed up as their favourite book character and parades were organsied for all year groups across the School. The Literacy Picnic was a resounding success with many families join in gus on the field to enjoy a picnic and some time to read together. It was great to see such a vast array of creative character costumes and so many staff, parents and students coming together to celebrate the end of a great week.




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