











深圳外國語學校(龍崗)國際部——老師說|Learning about digital media a

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-18


Ms. Tamsen

Ms. Sophie

Dear Parents,

Grade 4 has gotten off to a fantastic start this year! To prepare ourselves for the year ahead we did some very important things. We set learning goals for ourselves to challenge how far we can take our learning this year. We created essential agreements for home learning, our reading area, classroom environment, play time, canteen, Seesaw as well as between ourselves to make sure that we are kind to each other and work together cooperatively. We decided a class ‘Motto’ would be good way to help us build team spirit in our class environment, to help us learn to work better as a team. We wanted to make our reading area more comfortable and inviting, so we all brought decorations (tents, pillows and our character figurines from our favourite stories to help us make a visual connection when reading) from home and made the area ‘ours.’ Now we are enjoying reading even more!



Essential Agreements


Reading Area


Class Motto


We learnt about “How We Organize Ourselves”: how new digital media changes the way in which people access information and connect to each other. The lines of inquiry we investigated were ‘how new digital energy is used or organized’, ‘evaluating information’, and ‘our responsibility in a virtual environment’. We did many group activities where we researched, then discussed and formulated understandings on what we were learning. We also drew connection through our P.E lessons, between homeroom learning and traditional Chinese culture as well. We decided as a class to use our Seesaw app as a media platform to communicate with all our parents and teachers throughout the day. Our favourite part is getting to read the comments where our parents, peers and teachers ask us questions about our learning. When we uploaded our Mid-Autumn festival riddles from our Padlet activity and our digital footprints that we created onto Seesaw, we received a lot of responses from our audience, and that made us feel very excited to have the real time responses.


Our math and language lessons are a lot of fun, too! They are closely connected to our units of inquiry and we often use station activities for our learning. This gives us chances to learn through many interesting and engaging activities. We had multiple hands-on tasks in math, such as creating our own 3D shapes and inquiring about place value using the math resources. In English lessons, we incorporated technology while getting ourselves familiar with various features of dialogues in story writing, creating descriptive paragraphs and fictional narratives. We enjoyed using our imagination and creativity in these activities.


Reading Comprehension 閱讀理解練習

Math Shapes 數(shù)學幾何練習

Spelling Vocabulary Stations

Math Integration


Making Our Own 3D Shapes 動手制作立體幾何形狀

QR Code-Narrative Fiction Dialogues


When we returned from our Chinese National Holiday we began our new unit of inquiry on “Who We Are”. During this unit we will be discussing and learning about our different body systems, the structure of the human body in general, our skeletons, muscles and organs. To how these interactions all contribute to our health and survival. We are thoroughly enjoying this unit of inquiry so far, as it is allowing for in-depth research and a lot of discussion and hands on use of resources on the many different topics. We are even taking the unit further than planned, showing that we are indeed ‘inquirers’ and are extremely ‘curious’ about our body systems and the world around us. We are doing a lot of group work and this is helping us learn ‘tolerance’ and how to be more ‘cooperative’ when working with each other. These are good life lessons!


Our UOI Board


Unpacking Our Central Idea


The beginning of our inquiry center


Tuning in to our" Who We Are" unit of inquiry.

What do we know?


We had an amazing first learning celebration! We want to say ‘Thank you’ to our families that came to share in our learning and have fun inquiring with us. We made presentations using different media platforms such as Keynote and PowerPoint (because learning to use technology is very important) to help share our learning from our first unit on digital media. We also made sure to incorporate our math, language, science and social studies learning in our presentations. We were able to walk them around our classroom to share what resources we use in all our studies. The most interesting part was our new inquiry centre. Our parents really enjoyed this with us. We have amazing resources there to help us learn about our body systems. Our parents got to see for themselves how exciting inquiry can be. We were very pleased with how it all turned out!


Investigating our new unit using our resources in the inquiry center.Our parents inquiring with us during our first learning celebration.在學習成果展中利用教室資源,向爸爸媽媽展示如何進行學習探究

Investigating our new unit using our resources in the inquiry center.Our parents inquiring with us during our first learning celebration.在學習成果展中利用教室資源,向爸爸媽媽展示如何進行學習探究。

Thank you for taking the time to read up on what is happening in Grade 4 at SLIS.


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It always seems impossible until it's done.


~ Nelson Mandela 納爾遜·曼德拉

“What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. 己所不欲,勿施于人?!?/p>

~ Confucius 孔子

Kind regards,

Ms Sophie and Ms Tamsen





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