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來源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-18

萬科梅沙書院2019-2020 秋季學(xué)期家長會升學(xué)咨詢辦公室致辭














Opening Speech from College Counseling Officein VMA Parent’s meeting Fall 2019

The College Counseling Office (CCO) sees one of our most important missions is to supply students with tools that they can not only successfully apply to universities, but also to use for the rest of their lives. We are, of course, happy to teach students about the tools, but also how to use these tools so that when they arrive at a university, and many will matriculate into a western university somewhere, they will be able to more smoothly navigate the transition from their home in China to that new place and culture. With these tools, we believe that students will not need to go outside the school to have someone help them complete their applications. Rather, we believe that students can and should complete their own applications, and learn to rely on themselves.

Skills such as critical thinking will be critical in their university lives. Learning how to think like the audience that they are addressing could possibly be one of the first examples of this. For example, students need to understand what Admissions Officers are looking for. What does he or she need to know about me to consider me for admission? Why would they want me to study at their school, and what is it that I can contribute which will be viewed valuable?

Problem-solving is another skill that we help students learn. Completing the many styles of applications with the necessary precision, and sometimes answering unusual questions that do not seem to make sense at first, is a great example of how to problem-solve. And this, like the other skills we teach, are transferable to many other situations in life, where an unknown situation can be broken down into its components, and solved one piece at a time.

Essay writing and resume writing are two more extremely valuable tools that we try to teach students. In a vast majority of universities and careers in the world, being able to write logically, coherently, accurately and concisely are skills that will be expected of our students as they move forward. And the different types of writing styles need to be understood so they can be used properly in the appropriate circumstances.

Another example of the tools we teach in the CCO is question asking. In the west, the “Direct Approach” is often favored when question asking, and especially at the university level. But knowing WHAT to ask, WHO to ask, and sometimes most importantly of all, HOW to ask a question is critical. A well thought out question which is articulate and which is done respectfully at the appropriate time, makes all the difference in the world when a person hopes to get back useful information. In fact, this may be one of the most powerful tools of all, and one which, if done thoughtfully, will be transferrable to hundreds of situations throughout life.

We like to help students Explore The Possibilities. Most people will agree that not all schools are perfect for all students. And finding the appropriate fit is something that all students and their families need to begin working on early in their high school years. It’s not just what ranking or what size. It has to do with program strengths, school type, city and school size, cost, scholarship possibilities, internships, study abroad opportunities and many other things. These all are topics that students and their families need to research in earnest prior to the application period.

When considering where to apply, we like students to think broadly. That means challenging themselves and getting out of their comfort zones while considering some of the options. They need to try to understand and accept other cultures and ways of learning, while always hanging onto their own cultural identity.

There are somewhere between 2500 and 3000 bachelors level institutions in the United States, alone, not to mention the other important and viable options in countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, and elsewhere. This means that serious discussions within the family should start early about what goals should be sought and achieved with the selection of universities that students apply to. By the time students are in 10th grade, the discussions at home about this subject need to become an important, reoccurring topic and the options need to be researched carefully.

Managing Expectations and Stress during this period is also important, because it is perhaps the busiest and most stressful time in the students’ lives up to this point. The stakes are high and the end result is important. So, one of the things that the CCO provides students early is a timeline for them to consider and follow. It will have important deadlines and mile markers that should be observed carefully, so they do not get behind in their various university application obligations.

In fact, Planning ahead and Preparing in Advance, could easily be the very most important aspects of the university search and application process. If a student can stay ahead in the many requirements and deadlines, preparing and submitting applications at least a week before they are actually due, the anxiety created by this process will be significantly decreased.

And being realistic about one’s credentials is very important when managing expectations. Not all students will qualify for Harvard, and that is okay because Harvard is not the perfect fit for all students. The good news is that there are many high quality universities available in the world to choose from. It is a matter of discovering the requirements of these schools and matching the student’s credentials realistically to know what can be expected. When students and their parents do this, a positive and somewhat predictable outcome can be achieved which allows students to progress through the otherwise difficult period of university applications with an acceptable set of results. There is always room for surprise and no one objects for a student to shoot for a dream school that is considered out of reach, but reality must be the main part of any university admission plan, and this will reduce the strain of false expectations that are so prevalent in the process among university applicants.

Finally, the CCO wants students to pursue their own dreams, rather than those of others. Ultimately, students are beginning a new stage of their lives which will allow them to begin building their education, skills and abilities in a specific direction. We hope that this direction is one that students have thought about deeply, and are committed to. Because if the time and energy are put into these goals, the chances are that good results will follow. When people work hard towards their goals, dreams really do come true.

Given by Mr. Paul Svaren and Ms. Ning Deng

Nov 8, 2019

演講者:鄧寧主任、Paul Svaren 先生

審核:CCO 鄧寧主任

排版:CCO Yvonne



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