深圳外國語學(xué)?!猅he SWIS Evereads Story | Evereads播撒閱讀的種子
來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-18
“閱讀不應(yīng)該是老師布置的周末作業(yè),不應(yīng)該是為了完成讀后感的草草敷衍。閱讀應(yīng)該是我們主動的選擇。通過英文導(dǎo)讀,讓閱讀變得好玩兒,激發(fā)閱讀的興趣,讓讀者獲取知識,與世界同步,這就是我們成立Evereads的原因?!? ——SWIS Evereads英文導(dǎo)讀社團(tuán)
Once upon a time, there were 8 high school freshmen who sought out ways to make an impact on the community by promoting English reading among young local students. These 8 inspired SWIS IB learners founded the SWIS Evereads Club and have committed to their mission by hosting an Evereads session every other Sunday since October 2017.
2017年10月,SWIS九年級的8位有才華、有夢想的同學(xué)因為一個共同的信念,成立 了Evereads社團(tuán), 他們通過寶安圖書館的英文閱讀活動平臺,從在寶圖舉辦的第一期活動開始,堅持兩年不間斷,把50期趣味英文讀書會,打造成頗受社區(qū)好評的針對青少年的英文閱讀推廣活動。

In each session, the Evereads members introduce a carefully selected book and conduct a purposeful and engaging group reading session. The sessions contain not only group book-reading, but also activities such as warm-ups, vocabulary learning, group discussions, interactive questions, and musical performances, making this 2-hour learning experience both educational and entertaining.
Last Sunday, the SWIS Evereads held its 50th session in Bao’an Library, a successful event that attracted over 200 participants including 60 children and their parents, SWIS School leaders, and distinguished guests. Among the guests are Director of Bao'an Library Mr. Zhou Ying Xiong, SWIS Board Director Mr. Guoxiang Gong, SWIS School Director Ms. Ally Wu, and SWIS Secondary Principal Ms. Jennifer Hager.
The selected reading for this 50th session is the book "Jack's Worry". The guided reading, led by David and Yoyo, was intriguing, interactive, and entertaining. The entire session was filled and joyous laughs and exciting discussions among the students. To top things off, Evereads member dedicated a beautiful number "Little Talks" to all the participants.
Let's find out more about the SWIS Evereads from its very own members:
上周日,Evereads 在寶安圖書館舉辦第50期英文讀書會,寶安圖書館館長周英雄、SWIS理事長龔國祥、校長鄔曉莉、中學(xué)校長Jennifer Hager、Evereads社團(tuán)成員以及青少年讀者和家長近200人參加了這一期活動,現(xiàn)場座無虛席,讀書的氛圍溫馨、熱烈并且充滿趣味。
第50期Evereads的導(dǎo)讀書目是英文繪本《Jack’s Worry》,由社團(tuán)的Yoyo和David兩位成員主講。在導(dǎo)讀課堂環(huán)節(jié),主講老師通過詞匯講解、故事講述、分組討論等多種形式開展趣味導(dǎo)讀,多才多藝的Evereads 成員還為讀者表演了音樂《Little Talks》。
Evereads 作為一個國際學(xué)校高中生社團(tuán),成立兩年來不斷探索、嘗試和創(chuàng)新,漸漸摸索出具有社團(tuán)特色的趣味導(dǎo)讀課堂設(shè)計,通過每一期讀書會的磨煉,成員們慢慢找到自己最擅長的教學(xué)方法,至今,社團(tuán)成員仍在不斷完善教學(xué)方式和體系,他們希望吸引更多讀者參與,希望在保持趣味性的同時,帶領(lǐng)讀者感受全新的英文閱讀體驗,給青少年讀者帶來更有針對性的提升。
在做自我介紹時,一位Evereads成員說道:Evereads 這個名字寓意永恒的讀者,蘊(yùn)含了成員們創(chuàng)辦這個社團(tuán)的期望,那就是通過英文導(dǎo)讀播撒閱讀的種子,向讀者介紹一種閱讀的新的視角,激發(fā)對閱讀的持久興趣。
聽SWIS Evereads 成員說......

The History of Evereads
· Evereads的成立 ·
Evereads was founded in October 2017 by eight grade 9 (currently G11) students. Initially, we had no experience in teaching students, so we decided to visit a local primary school that is hosting a similar activity. Instead of copying their classes, we gradually developed a structure for our classes by asking for feedback from students and other teachers. In this process, all of our members also found their own teaching style. Today, we’ve hosted 50 Evereads reading sessions, with the 50th being our most recent one.
Evereads 成立于2017年10月,創(chuàng)始成員是我們當(dāng)時在九年級的8位同學(xué)。成立之初,我們覺得自己的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗不多,于是找到一所正在舉辦類似活動的小學(xué),到這個學(xué)校里向他們學(xué)習(xí)。我們學(xué)到了不少知識和技巧,然后在這個基礎(chǔ)上,我們自己再做一些改變和創(chuàng)新。在摸索的過程中,我們每個成員都找了適合自己的教學(xué)風(fēng)格和教學(xué)方式。

· 面臨挑戰(zhàn) ·
The Evereads sessions are open to students aged 6 to 14. This presented our members with the challenge of making sure every student could learn something meaningful while enjoying the class. Through experimenting with different ways of teaching, we discovered and adapted the strategies of differentiated instruction. Every reading session, we now categorize the students by their age or by their English proficiency to ensure they experience an effective and engaging way of learning.
Evereads 導(dǎo)讀面向的是4到14歲的讀者,這意味著我們有一個很大的挑戰(zhàn):如何讓不同年齡的讀者的閱讀體驗既有效果,又有趣味。在多次嘗試后,我們終于找到適合社團(tuán)的分層教學(xué)和趣味教學(xué)結(jié)合方法。每次導(dǎo)讀,我們都對讀者按照年齡和英文水平分組,確保他們都能有所收獲,同時又享受讀書的過程。

Benefits Gained
· 受益匪淺 ·
Evereads has provided all of us an opportunity to experience what it is like to interact with our society. Running Evereads requires us to be organized and efficient. What’s more, in order to succeed, not only are we required to communicate with members within the team, but also with Bao’an library staff and our parents. Throughout this period, we all made mistakes, but we always do our best to improve and make sure that those mistakes won’t happen again. In the end, while Evereads is a platform for us to exercise our skills, it is also a place where we have fun.

Unique “Traditions”
· 不斷創(chuàng)新 ·
One of our traditions in Evereads is that we love to adjust our teaching plans at various festivals to have extra fun with the students. For example, we gave each student a chocolate candy coin on Halloween as a token for their participation. One of our personal favorite events, a musical performance which was held during a session last Chinese New Year, where several Evereads members played as an ensemble in front of students. The activity was kept as a surprise and all of the students were amazed by our wonderful performers. Their enjoyment motivates us to continue to strive and explore.
每期 Evereads活動,我們會思考如何融入不一樣的趣味元素。比如萬圣節(jié)那一期導(dǎo)讀,我們給小讀者發(fā)放巧克力硬幣作為導(dǎo)讀道具和節(jié)日禮物。春節(jié)那一期導(dǎo)讀,我們給讀者和家長帶來一份新年的驚喜 -- 一場Evereads成員的音樂合奏。讀者和家長臉上的笑容和贊許,給我們帶來源源不斷的動力和鼓舞。
Future Vision
· Evereads的未來 ·
With our increased experience, helpful suggestions, and newly-joined members, we hope to adapt and improve our established teaching methods to reach the goal of motivating students to engage more actively. This might include new grouping methods, forms of guiding questions, and variations of activities. More so, Evereads might expand the scope of sessions by collaborating with the SWIS community and external organizations.
· SWIS 核心價值觀 ·
We are very proud to witness the growth and success of the SWIS Evereads team. It is truly remarkable to see our new SWIS values being put into practice by these young students, long before its forming. In their journey to making a positive impact, they have shown their perseverance in their commitment to the sessions, their creativity in their various approaches to guiding the readers, and their empathy in their actions to make a positive difference in the lives of the others.
兩年的時間里,SWIS社區(qū)見證了Evereads社團(tuán)的茁長成長,SWIS的核心價值觀早早地在孩子們身上生根發(fā)芽:他們連續(xù)舉辦50期導(dǎo)讀活動的堅持不懈,他們的英文導(dǎo)讀富有創(chuàng)意、自成一格,他們堅持傳播閱讀、服務(wù)社區(qū),他們是值得我們學(xué)習(xí)的富有同理心的 IB學(xué)習(xí)者。