












來(lái)源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-16





Behind the Scenes is a series of stories shared by TWIS faculty and staff who are living the school’s mission and making a difference in their roles every day. They are stories told from their own perspectives and shared with the TWIS community. You will see how our faculty and staff members bring inspiration and expertise to their classrooms and the school.

This Behind the Scenes article features Ms. Keisel, TWIS Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher, sharing how her students continue their Unit of Inquiry online.

This article has been lightly edited for clarity.

Ms. Keisel Escudero


Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher


TWIS Virtual School has definitely been a new positive experience for everyone. In the beginning, it was quite challenging for first graders to get used to the new routine that is inherent in online learning. Fortunately, most of our students have adapted very well to our online class routine and tackle their assigned tasks with responsibility and determination.


With the beginning of our virtual school, we started our new Unit of Inquiry (UOI): How We Organize Ourselves. In this unit, we are learning about different roles of people in the community, their responsibilities and how communities are organized. The children started their inquiry by reflecting on how they can be good helpers and perform good deeds to their community. They learned what it means to be a citizen and help their community while they have to remain at home. The grade one class submitted drawings and videos of their ideas helping at home which is their most precious community. One positive result of staying at home has helped our students observe and recognize how everyone in their family and members of their school community work together to maintain a happy and organized community.


G1 Students Helping At Home


Children learn best when doing hands-on activities. In these past weeks, they have had the opportunity to conduct research as they use their mathematical skills. They tallied and transferred their data on a bar graph that reflected all the community members of their own school.


Students engaged in completing very meaningful tasks during their online learning. Before exploring the community helpers’ roles in the community, they made thorough research at home about their parent’s work. They interviewed their parents about their jobs and made detailed drawings based on the data they had collected. Students seem to enjoy engaging activities as they learn about community helpers. They learned how to round numbers up and down by estimating the number of people each community helper can cater to every day.


Posters Created by G1 Students


Online school has allowed children to work on their public speaking skills at their own pace. They are able to look at themselves through a screen and this makes their work more valuable since they get the opportunity to reflect on their performance after watching their own presentation videos. They created wonderful posters about the role they researched and presented their inquiry by making a short video. Grade one little artists drew their chosen role in their community and meticulously chose good neighbors to have in their community.


In the last month, the children are now used to their online courses. They have become so independent and learned a great deal using technology as a learning tool. They have learned some tech features that help them participate better during the class, like muting their audio when they are not speaking, taking turns to talk, and some of them have been very creative and started typing using simple words and emoticons on the Chat Box. As a homeroom teacher, I find fascinating to watch them interact with each other online. Sometimes I would go online like a secret shopper only to watch them sharing nice toys and objects from their own homes and even laughing with each other as they show some of their drawings done in class. As our unit draws to a close, the children are now preparing for their summative assessment. With the help of our wonderful art and music teachers, Ms. Wendy and Ms. Sharon, the children are now preparing a wonderful cover song video in which they have chosen a community helper to represent. They are working on their lyrics using rhyming words now and are going to record themselves singing in a wonderful video for the community.


While we are having amazing learning experience online, I understand it has been an uneasy time for everyone, not only children but teachers and parents as well. As a parent myself I definitely experience the pressure to help my child more than usual. Therefore, I truly thank the parents in our class for supporting their children's learning. On the other hand, this tough time presented a unique technology learning opportunity. Our first graders have become very ‘tech-savvy’ - far more advanced than their peers in other countries around the world. They are becoming citizens of the world and are making the best out of every learning opportunity that comes across on their learning path. We are very proud of what our Grade 1 students have accomplished in this trying moment.


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