來(lái)源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-16
Behind the Scenes is a series of stories shared by TWIS faculty and staff who are living the school’s mission and making a difference in their roles every day. They are stories told from their own perspectives and shared with the TWIS community. Take a look at how our faculty and staff members bring inspiration and expertise to their classrooms and the school.
This Behind the Scenes article features Mr. Barry and Mr. Oliver, TWIS Grade 4 and Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher respectively, sharing their experience of delivering learning online and reflecting on this new form of instruction.
This article has been lightly edited for clarity.
When we discovered that class would not resume as usual after the Chinese New Year Festival, there was some trepidation as to how the new form of instruction was going to work, and whether or not it would be effective. Online learning is an experience very far removed from the realities of day-to-day classwork, but the more we experiment and develop the TWIS online pedagogy, the more impressive the results from our students are.
At TWIS, we promote the development of the full array of IB Learner attributes, from risk-taking to being reflective, and from promoting good communication skills to being open-minded. We have been able to turn this challenging time into an opportunity to put into practice and live by what we teach. As the saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". This is when we must adapt, and part of this adaptation process is being open-minded to new solutions. Students, parents, teachers, and the administration were all challenged to adapt to this unprecedented situation, and thus far the transition has been very successful. Students have diversified their learning habits. This is shown every day when students turn up to classes on time without teachers and sometimes parents to encourage them to do so. Teachers have broadened their teaching abilities by learning to use new technologies that contribute to student learning.
It may not have been comfortable at the beginning of the virtual school, it might even have felt a little strange, but because everyone worked together-- sharing ideas, helping each other, and being generally supportive-- it is now beginning to become a very productive form of learning. Communication has been key, as has patience from all parties involved. Very little progress could have been made if reflective strategies weren’t implemented throughout all stages of the education process - be it teachers reflecting on the positives and negatives from classes, parents and students giving much-appreciated feedback, and the administration using all of the information to set up a functioning platform capable of delivering high-quality education.
An important aspect of the online school day has been the maintenance of balance. As before, we have kept the balance between developing the body, the mind, and the soul - incorporating academic classes, as well as PE and the arts.
Perhaps we are getting a taste of the future of education as we move towards a society that increasingly embraces the possibilities made available by hand-held portable devices, universal access to high-bandwidth internet, and multicultural learning. Nevertheless, John Hattie, in his meta-data analysis of the most important aspects of education, resoundingly identified the personal interaction with a teacher as being the most important part of a young person's education. What we gain through online learning is mobility and instant access to information, but what we lose is authentic, time-tested, research-credited, person-to-person contact between a developing mind and a mentor trained to transform them into the sort of person who will improve the world. This is what we are creating at TWIS, and this is the community the students and teachers are itching to return to after this transformative period of online teaching, fortified with new skills and approaches, and with a renewed taste of what the world of technology has to offer our brightest young minds.
As the unit of learning comes to an end, what students have inquired about at TWIS Virtual School? Let's get a glimpse of their hard work and creativity showcase below:
Grade 2 - UOI
"How the World Works?"
Grade 2 students inquire about the processes of changing the Earth's surface. As a summative assessment, they act as a geologist to perform an experiment to show the processes that change the Earth's surface, such as earthquake, landslide, erosion and etc.
Here is a clip created by G2 student Sai (edited to 1-min version), let him tell you what are the Earth's layers!
Grade 4 - Science
"How does Energy Transfer Work?"
Grade 4 students are asked to demonstrate their understanding by explaining the process of changing one form of energy to another.
"I did it by myself!" It's never too early to learn life skills.
Our PYP students proudly present the activities they do to look after themselves and stay healthy.
Visual Arts
Grade 5- Music & Art Unit project
Jayden 的作品 By Jayden
Luna 的作品 By Luna
二年級(jí)- 利用廢物制作的畫(huà)
Grade 2- Drawing with an unwanted object
Sai Tejas的作品 By Sai Tejas
二年級(jí)- 珊瑚礁與海洋生物
Grade 2- Coral reefs and sea life
Zhipeng 的作品 By Zhipeng
Sai Tejas的作品 By Sai Tejas
Thinking maps can help students organize their thoughts and deepen their understanding and comprehension.
As the summative assessment and reflection on what they have learned in the last unit of Chinese, students practiced creating thinking maps.
三年級(jí) G3- Joey
三年級(jí) G3- Dongyee
六年級(jí) G6- Amy
六年級(jí) G6- Sophia
八年級(jí) G8- Xing