來源:好上學 ??時間:2022-08-26

北京航空航天大學(Beihang University,簡稱“北航”)于1952年始建,坐落于北京市,是中華人民共和國工業(yè)和信息化部直屬、中央直管副部級建制的全國重點大學,新中國第一所航空航天高等學府,世界一流大學建設(shè)高校、211工程、985工程重點建設(shè)高校,原名北京航空學院,1988年改名為北京航空航天大學。
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Beijing University of aeronautics and astronautics (Beihang University, hereinafter referred to as "north") was built in 1952, is located in Beijing, is directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, the central straight level national key University, the organizational system of the new China's first University of aeronautics and astronautics, building world-class University college, 211 projects, 985 projects focus on construction of colleges and universities, formerly known as Beijing aviation college, in 1988 changed its name to Beijing University of aeronautics and astronautics.